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Why PIE (Pixel Image Encoder)

PIE (Pixel Image Encoder) Why !!! Naming A few people have asked why PIE, why Pixel Image Encoder and why build this !!!. PIE is the acronym of Pixel Image Encoder. Why Pixel Image Encoder, The process of your data when encoding starts is to convert the bytes into pixels. These pixels are converted into an image or if the file is larger than the maximum size allowed in PIE, file is sliced then converted into images then stored in a zip file. This whole process is called encoding. So this is why the library is called Pixel Image Encoder and referred to as PIE. Why build this As per the " Introduction ". I thought and still think there is a way of compressing files using channels in images. The original project was to build a new compression system for files or text using these image pixels. While this project succeed in compressing files, even if the file was already compressed. It did not meet my brief, the maximum I got was an extra 5% - 7% which is no

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